Coolshape - SW1 Clinic


Key benefits:

  • Fat cryolipolysis banishes unwanted fat cells in the body
  • Non-invasive and minimal-downtime treatment
  • Allows more than 1 area to be treated concurrently, cutting down treatment time
  • Body sculpting areas assessed and marked out by qualified doctor

Procedure details:

  • Minimal downtime
  • Up to two areas can be treated concurrently
  • 60 minutes per 1 to 2 areas

Coolshape is a non-invasive, body shaping treatment that effectively reduces fat in specific areas of the body. This minimal-downtime fat busting procedure is accomplished by the scientific principle of “Cryolipolysis”.

This method utilises cold to diminish fat cells in the body, thus improving the body’s contour. Coolshape is a great alternative to liposuction and can be combined with other non-invasive fat reduction modalities such as Slim Body Magic for greater results.

How is the Coolshape procedure at SW1 Clinic like?

Coolshape is done using cryolipolysis which offers noticeable results and the possibility of multiple areas being treated concurrently, cutting down treatment time, making it a safe and effective treatment option. Patients are always assessed clinically, parameters measured and weighed prior to the procedure. Our doctors will assess the area to be treated and carefully mark out the ideal treatment areas. As more than one area can be treated at the same time, patients can select multiple areas of concern to be targeted at each treatment setting.

How does Coolshape work?

Coolshape uses a non-invasive applicator to target and remove fat cells in localized areas on the body. The device is applied to the target area and then the temperature of the area is reduced to the right coldness to selectively target the fat cells in that area.

The body responds with an inflammatory reaction that causes the body to dispose of the broken down fat cells. The result is a reduction of the treated fat bulge (“love handles” or “muffin top” etc) about 2 months after treatment. The whole procedure takes 1-2 hours on average.

Immediately following the Coolshape treatment, we prefer and encourage our patients to optimize the lymphatic drainage of the treated area, to better achieve the disposal of the broken down fat by a special Sonophoresis procedure. This also simultaneously delivers vital skin vitamins and nutrients to the treated area to rejuvenate and tighten the overlying skin.


What will I experience during the procedure?

When the applicator is applied to your skin, you will feel a sensation of skin suction. You may also feel a slight tingling or numbness as the cold is applied to the treated area. After about 5-10 minutes, you will settle into the procedure; most patients report that they are most comfortable from this point onwards. Patients can then enjoy other spa therapies such as massages and pedicures at this point.

Are there any possible side effects with Coolshape?

Most patients experience minimal side effects with Coolshape. Skin may appear red several minutes to several hours after the procedure. Occasionally, patients may experience mild bruising which will resolve in a few days to a week. Some patients may experience aching of the treated areas. As there is almost no recovery time for this procedure, patients can resume normal activities immediately after the procedure.

Am I a good candidate for Coolshape?

The best candidates for Coolshape are already in relatively good shape, but have some fat bulges present that are resistant to exercise and dieting. Coolshape is a perfect procedure for patient looking for fat removal and fat reduction without wanting to undergo a surgical procedure like liposuction.

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How many treatments are needed with Coolshape?

Most patients can see some results after one Coolshape fat removal procedure. However, for those with more stubborn fat deposits or for those who desire enhanced results, a series of 3-6 sessions will give better results. For patients who not only desire dramatic fat reduction but also skin tightening and firming, SW1’s Supermodel Sixpack Program will be ideal to address their additional concerns.

What kind of results can I expect with Coolshape?

Coolshape has been shown to reduce the fat in the treated area up to 20% per treatment. Additional treatments will reduce fat further.

Can this treatment be combined with other treatments?

Coolshape is found in our Supermodel Sixpack Program where it works in synergy with our Dream Body Tone, a vitamin-infusing, lymphatic stimulating ultrasonic therapy. Patients who are not only concerned about excess fat, but also sagging skin will find that our Supermodel Sixpack Program addresses all their concerns holistically.

*Results may vary according to individuals.